BlogShould I Switch My A/C from R-22 to R-410A in Charlotte, NC?

August 12, 2016by AndersenEMS0

R-410a RefrigerantRecently, the government announced they were phasing out the use of certain type of refrigerant for A/C systems. Unfortunately for many homeowners, this includes R-22, one of the most popular refrigerants. Because of its harmful effects on the environment, the R-22 refrigerant will be completely out of production by 2020.

If your air conditioner uses R-22, you will have to consider your options for the future. Although there are ways to continue to use R-22, upgrading to a new system that uses federally approved R-410A refrigerant can provide lasting benefits. Andersen Heating & Cooling has been providing Charlotte area residents honest answers for home HVAC problems since 1984.

Can I Keep My Air Conditioner?

There are a few ways to avoid replacing your A/C unit, but all come at a cost. One method is to switch to an alternative refrigerant that is compatible with older systems. However, these alternatives are mostly unapproved by HVAC manufacturers and will void warranties on equipment. You can also continue to legally purchase R-22, but as the supply becomes more finite, the price will continue to soar. There is no clear estimate as to exactly how much of this outdated refrigerant will remain available.

Switching to R-410A refrigerant in Charlotte is the right solution

Along with being a greener A/C solution, a new R-410A system can be a great investment for your home. New systems offer superior comfort with greater temperature and humidity control. These systems operate much more quietly, delivering cool air without obnoxious noise. Compatibility with current industry standards and longer warranty periods greatly increases the life spans of new units. R-410A systems are far more efficient, lowering energy bills significantly.

By upgrading to an R-410A air conditioner, you can provide your home with comfort efficiently for years to come. Call your local HVAC provider; Andersen Heating & Cooling to see what A/C experience is right for you.

Give us a call at (704) 596-2525 – Andersen’s on the way!

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