BlogFurnace Repair in Charlotte Can Help You Save on Heating Costs This Winter

September 30, 2015by AndersenEMS0

As overnight temperatures begin to drop in the fall, you know it’s about time to turn on your furnace. Heating accounts for around half of the energy usage for your household in the winter months. If you are interested in reducing your heating costs, there are some tips that can help. The best way to start is to schedule furnace repair in Charlotte with Andersen Heating and Cooling. A thorough tune-up from an experienced HVAC company will go a long way in conserving energy by making sure your furnace is running as efficiently as possible.

Furnace Repair in Charlotte typically includes:

  • Ventilation system check for blocks or leaks
  • Check of combustion gases
  • Test of safety controls
  • Blower access door check–should seal tightly
  • Blower wheel check for debris—should be cleaned
  • Fresh air intake grills checked for blockage
  • Drainage system check
  • Burner check for proper ignition, burner flame, and flame sense
  • Inspection of heat exchanger for rust and corrosion
  • Amp-draw test on motor
  • Inspection of all wiring for corrosion or damage
  • Thermostat Check
  • Filter replacement

A thorough furnace repair and inspection should include at least all of the above. When all of these items are as they should be, your furnace will be as efficient as possible, saving you money on heating costs. But to maximize your savings, there is still more you can do.

Additional Ways to Save on Heating Costs

  1. Set your thermostat as low as possible in the winter to heat your home to the lowest degree that you can and still be comfortable.
  2. Minimize use of kitchen and bathroom exhaust fans. Only run these as long as necessary. Warm air escapes through exhaust fans and cold air gets in. Exhaust fans are also a drain on electricity.
  3. Be sure heating vents are open and unblocked by furniture and curtains.
  4. Open curtains and window treatments during the day when the sun can shine in. Close them at night to keep warm air from escaping through windows and cool air from coming in.
  5. Replace your furnace with a new, more efficient product. Energy Star products are very efficient and can qualify you for tax breaks and rebates. If your furnace is older than 7 or 8 years, any upgrade to a new product will save significant energy. The heating cost savings will offset the cost of a new furnace in a relatively short amount of time.

Furnace repair in Charlotte, along with these other tips, will save you money on heating costs this winter. Sign up for heating service in Charlotte, NC with Andersen Heating and Cooling. As a Preferred Maintenance Agreement customer, you will enjoy a 15% discount on repairs, a $50 credit toward furnace replacement, and priority customer service. Andersen Heating and Cooling has been providing heating service in Charlotte, NC and the surrounding area since 1984. Reliable service from experienced technicians means an efficient furnace and energy savings.

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